In the world of LTL freight shipping, a term Limited Access is applied when the carrier views either a pick up location or a delivery location to be just that - Limited Access. When carrier makes a pickup or delivery at a location with limited access, there is usually, but not limited to an extra charge of $100.
Best practice is to always disclose the location to your Logistics Team beforehand to avoid extra variance fees.
Limited Access Locations include but are not limited to the following:
- Construction sites
- Storage Facilities
- Mines, Quarries, Natural Gas or Oil
- Fields (the site of any pit, excavation shaft, shaft or deposit at which coal, ore or minerals is, has been or will be extracted. Such site or “mine” shall include the property upon which the mine is located).
- Steel Mills
- Nuclear Generating Stations
- Military Installations
- Farms or Ranches
- Schools
- Churches or places of worship
- Prisons
- Airports
- Windfarms
- Camps
- Flea Markets
- Nursing Homes
- Restaurants
- Marinas
- Libraries
- Vineyards or Wineries
- Orchards
- Country Clubs or Social Clubs
- Ski Resorts, Chalets or Lodges
- Native American Reservations
- Utility Sites
- Fairs or carnivals
- Individual mini-storage units
- Commercial establishments not open to walk-in public
Other reasons Limited Access could be applied:
During normal business hours
- Commercial establishments not having personnel readily available to assist with pickup or delivery
- Commercial establishments not having access to a loading/unloading dock or platform
- Sites where security inspections and processes are required before pickup or delivery can be performed.
- Locations where pick up or delivery requires smaller than 48 foot trailers, including but not limited to straight trucks
- Initial pickup and delivery attempts will be made on trailers 48 feet or larger unless special equipment requirements are noted on the original bill of lading or in the pickup request. Failure to note that a smaller trailer or special equipment is required for delivery may result in assessment of re-delivery charges or "Dry Run" fees
How to Avoid Variances? Be honest and clear about your pick up and delivery site so your transaction engineer can provide you with the best rate possible. Go123 Logistics can prepare you for seamless, headache free freight shipping. Contact us now for a Quick Quote.